
Weather Policies

Below are the CYC weather-related policies. Each coach or administrator should follow this information when making practice decisions.  All temperatures refer to either the heat index or the wind chill temperatures. The National Weather Service is the official site we use to determine weather-related decisions.

It is always the responsibility of parents to make the ultimate decision as to the participation of their child in CYC events when heat or cold may be a factor, taking into consideration the age and physical condition of their child. Parents also have the ultimate responsibility to inform their child about the dangers of heat or cold and the need for protection, including proper hydration, dress, and sunscreen.


YELLOW Heat index between 81–98°

  • Participants are in very little danger from heat and no special measures will be taken.

ORANGE Heat index between 99–104°

  • Each player must have water to be allowed to play.
  • Coach-monitored water break required for catchers during each half-inning.
  • Coaches should instruct all players to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks.

RED Heat index between 105–110°

  • CYC Athletic Associations will postpone or cancel all games and practices until the heat index is below 105°.



Low Risk ABOVE 40° Wind Chill

  • Full activity. No restrictions.

Moderate Risk 39–20° Wind Chill

  • Stay adequately hydrated. Coaches and players should wear layers of clothing.

High Risk 19–10° Wind Chill

  • All previous measures should be taken.
  • Cover head and neck to prevent heat loss.
  • Give a warming break midway through each half.

Extreme Risk 9° wind chill and below

  • CYC Athletic Associations will postpone or cancel all games and practices until the wind chill index is at 10° or above.


Lightning & Thunder Policy

Officials will remove all participants from the field of play at the first sign of a lightning flash or thunder. They will instruct the participants that the game is suspended and that they should move to a place of safety. A place of safety is considered any fully enclosed building. If a shelter cannot be found, take shelter in any vehicle with a hard metal roof and closed windows.

A waiting period of 30 minutes will take place after the first flash seen and an additional 30 minutes from the last flash seen before play is resumed. After a maximum of 45 minutes of wait time, the game will be postponed and rescheduled as a rainout. Games played earlier in the day/night will have no effect on the later games unless there is still lightning in the area. Electronic equipment cannot overrule the mandatory waiting period. If lightning is seen or thunder is heard, the game will be suspended.


Inclement Weather – Basketball Games

It is the policy that when the weather creates a challenge to attend league or tournament games, Region Sport Chairs, in consultation with Parish Sport Directors, will decide as early as possible on the cancellation of such events.

All cancellations will be communicated through email and/or posted on: CYC Northwest Rainoutline or CYC Southeast Rainoutline

Travel Safety – It is the responsibility of parents to make the ultimate decision as to the participation of their child in CYC events.  If you feel it is unsafe for your family to travel, then please notify your child’s coach as soon as possible.  The coach will notify the Region Sports Chair so the other team is notified.