Please Take Your Seat
Last summer, I was watching a CYC baseball game. The coach for one team sat at the entrance to the dugout on a bucket. It was a painter’s bucket; the kind coaches often use to carry baseballs to the game. He encouraged his players, yelled to fielders to move this way and that way, and clapped for good plays. In between innings, he would stand up and glad hand players as they returned from the field. Every once in a while, he would stop a player, and quietly, but with intent, offer instruction. Then he would take his seat on the bucket. He was in control of his team; while seated.
Coaches in the Spotlight
Recently, at a CYC basketball game, a coach told me to be sure and watch him during the game. “I can be quite animated on the sideline. My parents tell me they sometime enjoy watching me coach as much as watching the game. I never sit down”.
When did it become so important, as a coach, to be standing for the whole game? Most will say it came with the beginning of televised 24-hour sports channels that glorify coaches to a celebrity status. Watch a college basketball game. Coaches pacing the sideline, sometimes running up and down the court, arms flailing, shouting at players and refs.
It’s About “The Team”
While a coach is an integral part of the team, he/she should not to be the main focus of the team. A successful team is made up of players who all do their best to add value to the group. The coach guides this process with the instruction of critical skills and development of the right attitude for fun and success for the players on the team.
CYC coaches should always work toward the betterment of their team. You should focus on what you can do to make the players successful; not on what will make you look good in the eyes of others.
When a coach stands on the sidelines, yelling and screaming, they take the focus of the game away from the players and place it on themselves. This does not benefit the success of the team. This is not the proper example for our CYC players.
Have a Seat
Next game, try coaching while seated. Your players will still hear you. You will appear more relaxed and in control. You will feel more relaxed and in control. You will be sitting on the bench with your coaches and players.
UCLA coach John Wooden, shown above, won ten NCAA basketball championships in twelve years. Wooden never saw the need to be the focus of attention by standing to coach. Seemed to work well for him.