


Back when I was in fifth grade, many moons ago, my CYC soccer team played in the Archdiocesan City/County playoffs.  I remember playing on Aviation Field in Forest Park.  We played St Philip Neri.  People said they were good.  People were right.  I didn’t know it then, but St Philip Neri had an impressive CYC soccer history.  All I know, is many years later, I still remember the excitement of that day. The thrill, and horror, of playing in a big game that meant something.

Fast forward, a few years ago.  I had the good fortune of coaching my daughter’s CYC basketball team in grades 3-8.  In grades 6-8, we played for the Archdiocesan championship, against the same team, and lost all three. (St Gabe’s; they were good).  I had that Bud Grant feeling. Those are great memories I will share forever with those girls, and especially, with my daughter.

CYC sports is 80 years old in 2021. 

Eighty years of great memories and lasting friendships.  How many times do you get together with old friends, and the talk drifts back to stories about CYC games?  Soccer games in horrid weather, rivalries with a neighboring parish, the really good player on your team, or the really goofy guy who made it fun for all.

Often times, we recall a CYC coach who made an impact on our life.  They were the coach who made the CYC experience fun.  They always cared about how you were doing.  They took the time to teach the game the right way.  They made you feel special, even if you were the last kid to get in the game.

The CYC mission is Building Communities of Faith Through Sports. Over the years, CYC has given us the opportunity to be connected to our faith community; our parish.  For many, that connection is strengthened by playing sports at the parish.  Coaching CYC sports is a ministry in your parish.  We are teaching our kids through the CYC core values of faith, sportsmanship and service. Our athletes are given the opportunity to learn valuable life lessons through sports.

This year, we would like to do some fun things to commemorate our 80th anniversary.  Here are a few things we would like to do:

  • Recognize three generation families who have participated in CYC sports.
  • Recognize long-time volunteers and coaches
  • Hear from past players from 40’s, 50’s and 60’s about memories of CYC sports “back in the day”.
  • Recognize and hear stories from Archdiocesan championship teams from 50 years ago (1970) and 25 years ago (1995).
  • Who was your favorite CYC coach? Why?
  • What is your favorite CYC memory?

We will publicize these memories on our CYC Facebook page ( and on the CYC website on a soon to be developed page devoted to our 80 year anniversary.

Please send information to Dan Fitzgerald at:

This past year has certainly initiated some memories. They may seem less than pleasant now, but years from now, think of the stories to be told. Some of you will be around in another 80 years to tell the story.

Happy 80th CYC!